Monday, June 26, 2023

Podreira Records Discography



Abandoned Life.BC - Abandoned Life (Full-length 2018)

Abisma / Forgotten Krypt / Mourning Souls - Woods Solitary (Split - 2018)

Adamnan - How Is It That​.​.​.​I'm Even Alive? (Full-Length - 2023)

Agency - Agency - Demo 23 (Demo - 2023)

Akraniuum - Maniac's Tomb (EP - 2018)

Alone with Whores - 2012 The Hell Particular (EP - 2023)

Alone with Whores - Alone with Whores (EP - 2023)

Alone with Whores / Podreira - Decad​ê​ncia (Split - 2023)

Anal Vomitation / Goregasm - Scat Sex Multiplex / Fascination by the Rotten Flesh (Split - 2018)

Antifa - S​​​​​​​​​​​/​​​​​​​​​​​T (Demo - 2023)

Antifa - Terrorismo Fascista (Demo - 2023)

Apostate Saints - .​.​.​So Below (EP - 2023)

Apostate Saints - You Are Nothing (EP - 2023)

Ascoroso / FuneralPhobia - Saudosa Pândemia (Split - 2020)

Ash Slasher - Army of Darkness (EP - 2019)

Ash Slasher - Ash Slasher Vol 2 (Full​​-​​length - 2019)

Ash Slasher - Demo 2 (Demo - 2020)

Ash Slasher - Demo I (Demo - 2020)

Ash Slasher - Kandarian Eyes (Full​-​length - 2018)

Ash Slasher - Within the Woods (EP - 2019)

Ash Slasher / Billy Grind / Mourning Souls - Songs for Halloween 3 (Split - 2019)

Ash Slasher / FuneralPhobia - Night of the Shape (Split - 2020)

Ash Slasher / FuneralPhobia - Split (Split - 2019)

Ash Slasher / FuneralPhobia - The Small Horror Split (Split - 2019)

Ash Slasher / FuneralPhobia / Goat.Snake.Kill / Mourning Souls / Nariluggaldimmerankia / Old Bats - A Raw Called Black (Split - 2023)

Ash Slasher / Goregasm - Ash Vs Cockface (Split - 2019)

Ash Slasher / Goregasm / MAL ALIENTO / Mourning Souls / Sloth - 5 Years of Podreira Records (Split - 2019)

Ash Slasher / MAL ALIENTO / Puta Malaria - 3 Ways To Join┼ Us (Split - 2018)

Ash Slasher / mhzesent - Unholy Noise (Split - 2019)

Ash Slasher / Pedaços de Sangue - Evil Gore (Split - 2019)

Ash Slasher / Podreira - Extinction of Mankind - A Tribute to Mortician (Split - 2020)

Ash Slasher / Scythes of Evil - Fuck... I'm Dead (Split - 2019)

Ash Slasher, Mourning Souls, Sloth, Vomitchainsaw, Ataque Epilético, Nöize - Songs for Halloween 2 (Split - 2018)

Asphyxiophilia - Breathplay In D Standard (Full-Length - 2023)

Ataque Epilético - Brig. Gen. Jack Ripper (Single - 2018)

Ataque Epilético - Dr. Strangelove (EP - 2018)

Aviärio / Fucking Bullshit / Mourning Souls - Noise Ataque (Split - 2023)

AxUxTxIxSxMx / Basura Toska / Gore Hell / Logic Symbolic Dream / Necrovoid / Tá em Shock? - 6 Way Split (Split - 2022)

AxUxTxIxSxMx / Batlord / Offerbarn / Que Metal / Trve Trans / Worship of Night - Songs for Halloween 5 (Split - 2022)

Bad Batch of Acid - I Shot Myself in the Head (Demo - 2019)

Barks of Apocalypse - Mel Archives (Single - 2022)

Barks of Apocalypse / Gore Hell / Horrorfier / Megalodon - A Death Called Grind (Split - 2023)

Báthory Erzébet - Ouija (Full-length - 2017)

Báthory Erzébet - Zombie Hunger (Saint Vitus) (Single - 2017)

Báthory Erzsébet / Mourning Souls - Báthory Erzsébet / Mourning Souls (Split - 2017)

BDSM - Androgynous Anonymous! Subterranean Kings (Compilation - 2022)

BDSM - BDSM is not DSBM (Demo - 2023)

BDSM - Fuck Censorship (Demo - 2022)

BDSM - Primitivo Black Metal (Demo - 2022)

BDSM - Real Black Metal Punks! Since 201666 The Trve BDSM Bra$il (EP - 2023)

BDSM - Return of the Androgynous Anonymous (EP - 2022)

BDSM - Via-Crúcis Completa (Demo -2023)

Black Cocaine - Reality, Insanity, Drugs​.​.​.(Demo - 2022)

Bloodnote / Mourning Souls - Short, Simple, To the Point (Split - 2017)

Bloodnote, Megalodon, Mourning Souls - Experimental Noise Grind Split (Split - 2017)

Bode Samurai / Mourning Souls / Billy Grind e os Podres / Gloomy Life / MAL ALIENTO / Psycho Clown - Songs for Halloween 4 (Split - 2020)

Bode Samurai / Samurai Zombie - Bode Samurai / Samurai Zombie (Split - 2020)

Bode Samurai / Sujo / Vömit - 3 Way (Split - 2020)

Bound and Skinned - Promo 2023 (Promo - 2023)

Brainless - Mask (Single - 2021)

Cão do Inferno de Quaresma - 2022 Compila​ç​ã​o (Compilação - 2023)

Cazzofrocio / Podreira - The Human Mind is a Very Disturbing Thing (Split - 2018)

Corägre - El Serrat De Les Creus (EP - 2023)

Cowl - Cowl (Demo - 2023)

Cowl - II (Demo - 2023)

Creation of Darkness - Eternal Suffering (Full Length - 2018)

Crepitatore - Even the Dead Will Scream (Demo III) (Demo - 2023)

Cryptosis - March of the Martyr (Single - 2023)

Dead Luck - Suerte Muerta (Full-Length - 2023)

DeadRipper - Into the Hell (EP - 2023)

Diabolic Wizardry - Nightspell (Demo - 2023)

Disnöize / Kerosene / Vömit - Raw Crust - 3 Way Split (Split - 2019)

Drudenfuß / FuneralPhobia - The End is Near (Split - 2020)

Dungeön - Dungeön Demo (Demo - 2023)

Enbilulugugal / Vaginal Anal - Pure Fucking Noise! (Split - 2018)

Entropist - Entropist (Full-Length - 2023)

Erythema - Light (EP - 2023)

Falha - Demo 22 (Demo - 2022)

Fatality - Mysogyny Dynasty (EP - 2022)

Forgotten Krypt - Fimbulvetr (Demo - 2015)

Forgotten Krypt - Forgotten Krypt (Demo - 2014)

Forgotten Krypt / Demonyakus / Traumatic Brain Injury / Paciente Zer0 - Desertores (Split - 2018)

Forgotten Krypt / Mourning Souls - A Brazilian Tribute to Darkthrone​(​Split-2016)

Freezing Luna / Mourning Souls - Freezing Souls (Split - 2018)

FuneralPhobia - Compilation of Horror (Compilation - 2020)

FuneralPhobia / Mal Aliento / Scythes of Evil - Dead Noise Raw (Split - 2019)

FuneralPhobia / Mourning Souls - 2020 (Split - 2020)

FuneralPhobia / Vömit - FuneralPhobia / Vömit (Split -2020)

Genital Impetigo - Genital Impetigo EP (EP - 2023)

God Pussy / Niili - Split (Split - 2018)

GORE!OH! - Grandpa and Grandma Didn't Eat Vegetables​.​.​. (EP - 2023)

GORE!OH! - Womanowar (EP - 2023)

GORE!OH! - Ну в​о​т и в​с​ё​.​.​. (Well, That's All​.​.​.​) (EP - 2023)

Goregasm - Chaotic World (EP - 2023)

Goregasm / Cmeptb - Cheap Meat (Split - 2022)

Goregasm / Podreira - Underground Dominance (Split - 2022)

Graverest - Aberrant Image (Demo - 2023)

Grozeth Nebulae / Mourning Souls - Experimental Split (Split - 2018)

Gruiiiik - Gruiiiik (Demo - 2023)

Guile - Guile (EP - 2023)

HarshLois / Ułuda - Beauty of Destruction (Split - 2023)

Hebefrénico - Hebefrénico - Vol. 3 (Full-Length - 2023)

Hexrot - Gloomwrought (EP - 2023)

Humiliation Life - Sad and Sick Sessions (Demo - 2022)

Incision / Podreira / Goregasm / Paciente Zer0 / Sex Slave - Ground Human Flesh (Split - 2018)

Judas Iscariotes / Sexual Funeral / Cão do Inferno de Quaresma / Mourning Souls - 4 Way Split (Split - 2022)

Kerosene - The War That Will Never Be Forgotten (EP - 2022)

Leather Whip - Autopista Veloz (EP - 2023)

Lüpus / Intestinal Bloating - Lüpus / Intestinal Bloating (Split - 2018)

Meatshield - Subdural Hematoma (Demo - 2023)

Milorganite - Milwaukee Organic Nitro​-​Grind (Demo - 2023)

Mindrippa - Mindrippa (Full-length - 2018)

Morbid Spawn - And So It Begins (EP - 2018)

MORT / Mourning Souls - MORT / Mourning Souls (Split - 2018)

Mourning Souls - A Noise Tribute to GG Allin (Single + Bonus 2018)

Mourning Souls - Dias Chuvosos (EP- 2016)

Mourning Souls - Dias Nublados (EP - 2016)

Mourning Souls - El Droooooone (EP - 2018)

Mourning Souls - FUCK LIFE (Single - 2018)

Mourning Souls - Gummo (EP - 2016)

Mourning Souls - Madrugada Tomada Pela Insônia 3 (Single - 2023)

Mourning Souls - Mourning Souls - Mourning Souls ( Full-length - 2023)

Mourning Souls - Murciélagos, Murciélagos, Murciélagos (EP - 2020)

Mourning Souls - Reflectind Dark Thoughts (EP - 2018)

Mourning Souls / Lord Cernunnos - Mourning Souls / Lord Cernunnos (Split - 2022)

Mourning Souls / My Funeral Dream - Mourning Souls / My Funeral Dream (Split - 2018)

Mourning Souls / NekroChaparro - Mourning Souls / NekroChaparro (Split - 2022)

Mourning Souls / Niili - Mourning Souls / Niili (Split - 2019)

Mourning Souls / Podreira - Mourning Souls / Podreira (Split - 2023)

Mourning Souls / Sloth - Ghost Sloth (Split - 2023)

Mourning Souls / Sloth - Union By Noise (Split - 2018)

Mourning Souls / Ułuda (Split - 2022) - The End of Everything

Mourning Souls / Vomitchainsaw - -Split- (Split - 2018)

Mourning Souls/Vaginal Anal - Gummo's Split (Split - 2017)

Munch - Die With Disgust For the Human Race (EP - 2023)

Muntean - T​ă​cerea (Full-Length - 2023)

Murgo / Sujo / Gloomy Life / Gore Hell - 4 Way Split (Split - 2021)

Necro Weasel - Obey, Suffer & Die (Full-Length - 2023)

NekroChaparro - The Lord Satan Is My Shepherd and I Will Dwell in His House Forever (Full-length - 2023)

Night Goat - DEE-VIL (Single - 2019)

Night Goat - Demo (Demo - 2019)

Night Goat - Punks Not Emo, Punks Not Indie, Punks Not Hipster​!​!​!​! (EP - 2023)

Niili - Baphomet (EP - 2017)

Niili - Batseduction (Single - 2018)

Niili - Bugaboo Nightmare (Demo - 2018)

Niili - Bunny Sessions (EP - 2018)

Niili - Doom Sessions (EP - 2018)

Niili - Green Smile (Single - 2018)

Niili - I Enjoy Watching Cartoons (Single - 2018)

Niili - Last Day of Witch (Single - 2018)

Niili - Metallicus Doom (EP - 2017)

Niili - Niili (EP - 2018)

Niili - Rape Moska (Demo - 2018)

Niili - Sa​(​doom​)​masochistic / Devil's Doom (Demo - 2019)

Niili - Slow Baby (Single - 2018)

Niili / mhzesent - Meth Hits (Split - 2018)

Niili / noiseoftherose - Niili / noiseoftherose (Split - 2018)

Niili / Noiseoftherose - Niili / Noiseoftherose (Split - 2018)

Niili / Sloth - Niili / Sloth (Split - 2018)

Noise Escrot / Podreira - 100%Noise (Split 2016)

Noiseoftherose - Enfurled (Single - 2018)

Nöize - Ecologicrust (Single - 2018)

Nöize - S​​​/​​​T (Demo - 2018)

Nöize - War (Single - 2018)

Nöize / Barks of Apocalypse - Nöize / Barks of Apocalypse (Split - 2021)

Nöize / FuneralPhobia / Vítimas do Crack / Ihateyourguts - 4 Way Split (Split - 2019)

Nöize, Murgo, Ash Slasher, FuneralPhobia, Vaginal Anal - 5 Way Split (Split - 2020)

Nosferatu 1922 / Noiseoftherose - Cannibal Bloody Cum Drinking Vampire (Split - 2018)

Noth - Trist Forest (Single - 2018)

Noth / FuneralPhobia / Scythes of Evil / Niili - 4 Way Split - A Tribute to Anneliese Michel (Split - 2019)

Noth / Mourning Souls / Sexual Suicide Noise - 3 Way Vegetarian Trans Static (Split - 2018)

Noth / Niili - Ecocide / Death Fuzz (Split - 2018)

Nothing Changes / Mourning Souls - The Supreme Nihilistic Art (Split - 2023)

Nuclear Goatcult - Baphometic Vomit Genocide (EP - 2023)

Orgosk / Mourning Souls - Gloomy Days (Split - 2018)

Petiot - Podre (EP - 2023)

Pigmillk - Pigmillk (Demo - 2023)

Podreira / Mourning Souls / Ash Slasher - Freddy X Jason X Ash (Split - 2018)

Pork Suicidal, Mourning Souls, Celtic Lemavos - Stregheria (Split - 2018)

Psycho Clown - John Wayne Gacy (EP - 2020)

Puta Malaria / Mourning Souls - Condemning the Music (Split - 2018)

Resposta Simples - Criação, Manutenção e Caos - (Compilação - 2023)

RxIx / Nöize / Chikara / Mourning Souls - 4 Way Split (Split - 2018)

S.O.C. - O Trauma Que Te Persegue (EP - 2022)

Sapo Negro - Ur​ó​boro (EP - 2023)

Scythes of Evil / Sex Love Die - Sex Love Die / Scythes of Evil (Split - 2021)

Shitnoise Bastards / Grotesco - Revenge of the Noise (Split - 2014)

Sloth - Morrisound's 1st Hnw Recording (Liebach/Morbit Angel Mix) (Single - 2018)

Sloth - Turty & Crably Friends!! (Single - 2018)

Sloth / Niili / Electroretard - HNWOSD (Harsh Noise Wall of Sludge Drone) (Split - 2018)

Slugg / Bode Samurai - Slugg / Bode Samurai (Split - 2020)

Sono - Atmospheric Dreams (EP - 2018)

Sono - Sono (EP - 2023)

Sordo - Tactical Precision Violence (EP - 2023)

Stallone Is My Hero - Demo (Demo - 2022)

Stallone Is My Hero - I Am the Pugilist! (Demo -2022)

Stallone Is My Hero - The Privilege of Born A King (Demo - 2022)

Stench of Gore - Martyrium Deu (EP - 2022)

Strohbart - Thinking About Suicide. (Full Length - 2023)

Tá Em Shock / Cultura Cadavérica - Armed Revolution (Split - 2023)

Tenebris Umbral - Post Mortem Vortex (Full Length - 2023)

The Eternal Forests of Ememina - Opposition From Sersazir (Demo - 2023)

The Kids Taught Us Japanese - Battletoads (Demo - 2023)

The Kids Taught Us Japanese - Noisemancer (EP - 2023)

The Kids Taught Us Japanese - Shit Not Music (EP - 2023)

The Nature / Porreria / Culto Misantropo / Pork Suicidal / Black Noise - L'embryon (Split - 2018)

Trejo - Trejo is Dead (EP - 2022)

Trejo - Warsick (EP - 2023)

Trepidation - Trepidation - Demo (Demo - 2023)

Tribulation - Vile Invocation (Demo - 2017)

Ułuda - Ile Jeszcze? (Single - 2022)

Vaginal Anal - 26 Tracks (Demo - 2017)

Vaginal Anal - Demo Covers (Demo - 2020)

Vaginal Anal / Voltímetro - Vaginal Anal / Voltímetro (Split - 2018)

Wärcharge - Fuck the Remains (Single - 2022)

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Sundown Discography


Swedish Gothic Metal band formed 1997 (Split-Up). formed by Mathias Lodmalm and Johnny Hagel. It was disbanded when Mathias Lodmalm reformed Cemetary together with Christian Silver and Herman Engström. All of Sundown's albums were released by Century Media Records.

Last line-up

Christian Silver: Drums

Andreas Karlsson: Bass

Herman "Manne" Engström: Guitar Beseech

Mathias Lodmalm: Vocals Cemetary

Former/Past members

Andreas Johansson: Guitar

Johnny Hagel: Bass

Monday, June 12, 2023