Showing posts with label Black Metal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black Metal. Show all posts

Monday, June 26, 2023

Podreira Records Discography



Abandoned Life.BC - Abandoned Life (Full-length 2018)

Abisma / Forgotten Krypt / Mourning Souls - Woods Solitary (Split - 2018)

Adamnan - How Is It That​.​.​.​I'm Even Alive? (Full-Length - 2023)

Agency - Agency - Demo 23 (Demo - 2023)

Akraniuum - Maniac's Tomb (EP - 2018)

Alone with Whores - 2012 The Hell Particular (EP - 2023)

Alone with Whores - Alone with Whores (EP - 2023)

Alone with Whores / Podreira - Decad​ê​ncia (Split - 2023)

Anal Vomitation / Goregasm - Scat Sex Multiplex / Fascination by the Rotten Flesh (Split - 2018)

Antifa - S​​​​​​​​​​​/​​​​​​​​​​​T (Demo - 2023)

Antifa - Terrorismo Fascista (Demo - 2023)

Apostate Saints - .​.​.​So Below (EP - 2023)

Apostate Saints - You Are Nothing (EP - 2023)

Ascoroso / FuneralPhobia - Saudosa Pândemia (Split - 2020)

Ash Slasher - Army of Darkness (EP - 2019)

Ash Slasher - Ash Slasher Vol 2 (Full​​-​​length - 2019)

Ash Slasher - Demo 2 (Demo - 2020)

Ash Slasher - Demo I (Demo - 2020)

Ash Slasher - Kandarian Eyes (Full​-​length - 2018)

Ash Slasher - Within the Woods (EP - 2019)

Ash Slasher / Billy Grind / Mourning Souls - Songs for Halloween 3 (Split - 2019)

Ash Slasher / FuneralPhobia - Night of the Shape (Split - 2020)

Ash Slasher / FuneralPhobia - Split (Split - 2019)

Ash Slasher / FuneralPhobia - The Small Horror Split (Split - 2019)

Ash Slasher / FuneralPhobia / Goat.Snake.Kill / Mourning Souls / Nariluggaldimmerankia / Old Bats - A Raw Called Black (Split - 2023)

Ash Slasher / Goregasm - Ash Vs Cockface (Split - 2019)

Ash Slasher / Goregasm / MAL ALIENTO / Mourning Souls / Sloth - 5 Years of Podreira Records (Split - 2019)

Ash Slasher / MAL ALIENTO / Puta Malaria - 3 Ways To Join┼ Us (Split - 2018)

Ash Slasher / mhzesent - Unholy Noise (Split - 2019)

Ash Slasher / Pedaços de Sangue - Evil Gore (Split - 2019)

Ash Slasher / Podreira - Extinction of Mankind - A Tribute to Mortician (Split - 2020)

Ash Slasher / Scythes of Evil - Fuck... I'm Dead (Split - 2019)

Ash Slasher, Mourning Souls, Sloth, Vomitchainsaw, Ataque Epilético, Nöize - Songs for Halloween 2 (Split - 2018)

Asphyxiophilia - Breathplay In D Standard (Full-Length - 2023)

Ataque Epilético - Brig. Gen. Jack Ripper (Single - 2018)

Ataque Epilético - Dr. Strangelove (EP - 2018)

Aviärio / Fucking Bullshit / Mourning Souls - Noise Ataque (Split - 2023)

AxUxTxIxSxMx / Basura Toska / Gore Hell / Logic Symbolic Dream / Necrovoid / Tá em Shock? - 6 Way Split (Split - 2022)

AxUxTxIxSxMx / Batlord / Offerbarn / Que Metal / Trve Trans / Worship of Night - Songs for Halloween 5 (Split - 2022)

Bad Batch of Acid - I Shot Myself in the Head (Demo - 2019)

Barks of Apocalypse - Mel Archives (Single - 2022)

Barks of Apocalypse / Gore Hell / Horrorfier / Megalodon - A Death Called Grind (Split - 2023)

Báthory Erzébet - Ouija (Full-length - 2017)

Báthory Erzébet - Zombie Hunger (Saint Vitus) (Single - 2017)

Báthory Erzsébet / Mourning Souls - Báthory Erzsébet / Mourning Souls (Split - 2017)

BDSM - Androgynous Anonymous! Subterranean Kings (Compilation - 2022)

BDSM - BDSM is not DSBM (Demo - 2023)

BDSM - Fuck Censorship (Demo - 2022)

BDSM - Primitivo Black Metal (Demo - 2022)

BDSM - Real Black Metal Punks! Since 201666 The Trve BDSM Bra$il (EP - 2023)

BDSM - Return of the Androgynous Anonymous (EP - 2022)

BDSM - Via-Crúcis Completa (Demo -2023)

Black Cocaine - Reality, Insanity, Drugs​.​.​.(Demo - 2022)

Bloodnote / Mourning Souls - Short, Simple, To the Point (Split - 2017)

Bloodnote, Megalodon, Mourning Souls - Experimental Noise Grind Split (Split - 2017)

Bode Samurai / Mourning Souls / Billy Grind e os Podres / Gloomy Life / MAL ALIENTO / Psycho Clown - Songs for Halloween 4 (Split - 2020)

Bode Samurai / Samurai Zombie - Bode Samurai / Samurai Zombie (Split - 2020)

Bode Samurai / Sujo / Vömit - 3 Way (Split - 2020)

Bound and Skinned - Promo 2023 (Promo - 2023)

Brainless - Mask (Single - 2021)

Cão do Inferno de Quaresma - 2022 Compila​ç​ã​o (Compilação - 2023)

Cazzofrocio / Podreira - The Human Mind is a Very Disturbing Thing (Split - 2018)

Corägre - El Serrat De Les Creus (EP - 2023)

Cowl - Cowl (Demo - 2023)

Cowl - II (Demo - 2023)

Creation of Darkness - Eternal Suffering (Full Length - 2018)

Crepitatore - Even the Dead Will Scream (Demo III) (Demo - 2023)

Cryptosis - March of the Martyr (Single - 2023)

Dead Luck - Suerte Muerta (Full-Length - 2023)

DeadRipper - Into the Hell (EP - 2023)

Diabolic Wizardry - Nightspell (Demo - 2023)

Disnöize / Kerosene / Vömit - Raw Crust - 3 Way Split (Split - 2019)

Drudenfuß / FuneralPhobia - The End is Near (Split - 2020)

Dungeön - Dungeön Demo (Demo - 2023)

Enbilulugugal / Vaginal Anal - Pure Fucking Noise! (Split - 2018)

Entropist - Entropist (Full-Length - 2023)

Erythema - Light (EP - 2023)

Falha - Demo 22 (Demo - 2022)

Fatality - Mysogyny Dynasty (EP - 2022)

Forgotten Krypt - Fimbulvetr (Demo - 2015)

Forgotten Krypt - Forgotten Krypt (Demo - 2014)

Forgotten Krypt / Demonyakus / Traumatic Brain Injury / Paciente Zer0 - Desertores (Split - 2018)

Forgotten Krypt / Mourning Souls - A Brazilian Tribute to Darkthrone​(​Split-2016)

Freezing Luna / Mourning Souls - Freezing Souls (Split - 2018)

FuneralPhobia - Compilation of Horror (Compilation - 2020)

FuneralPhobia / Mal Aliento / Scythes of Evil - Dead Noise Raw (Split - 2019)

FuneralPhobia / Mourning Souls - 2020 (Split - 2020)

FuneralPhobia / Vömit - FuneralPhobia / Vömit (Split -2020)

Genital Impetigo - Genital Impetigo EP (EP - 2023)

God Pussy / Niili - Split (Split - 2018)

GORE!OH! - Grandpa and Grandma Didn't Eat Vegetables​.​.​. (EP - 2023)

GORE!OH! - Womanowar (EP - 2023)

GORE!OH! - Ну в​о​т и в​с​ё​.​.​. (Well, That's All​.​.​.​) (EP - 2023)

Goregasm - Chaotic World (EP - 2023)

Goregasm / Cmeptb - Cheap Meat (Split - 2022)

Goregasm / Podreira - Underground Dominance (Split - 2022)

Graverest - Aberrant Image (Demo - 2023)

Grozeth Nebulae / Mourning Souls - Experimental Split (Split - 2018)

Gruiiiik - Gruiiiik (Demo - 2023)

Guile - Guile (EP - 2023)

HarshLois / Ułuda - Beauty of Destruction (Split - 2023)

Hebefrénico - Hebefrénico - Vol. 3 (Full-Length - 2023)

Hexrot - Gloomwrought (EP - 2023)

Humiliation Life - Sad and Sick Sessions (Demo - 2022)

Incision / Podreira / Goregasm / Paciente Zer0 / Sex Slave - Ground Human Flesh (Split - 2018)

Judas Iscariotes / Sexual Funeral / Cão do Inferno de Quaresma / Mourning Souls - 4 Way Split (Split - 2022)

Kerosene - The War That Will Never Be Forgotten (EP - 2022)

Leather Whip - Autopista Veloz (EP - 2023)

Lüpus / Intestinal Bloating - Lüpus / Intestinal Bloating (Split - 2018)

Meatshield - Subdural Hematoma (Demo - 2023)

Milorganite - Milwaukee Organic Nitro​-​Grind (Demo - 2023)

Mindrippa - Mindrippa (Full-length - 2018)

Morbid Spawn - And So It Begins (EP - 2018)

MORT / Mourning Souls - MORT / Mourning Souls (Split - 2018)

Mourning Souls - A Noise Tribute to GG Allin (Single + Bonus 2018)

Mourning Souls - Dias Chuvosos (EP- 2016)

Mourning Souls - Dias Nublados (EP - 2016)

Mourning Souls - El Droooooone (EP - 2018)

Mourning Souls - FUCK LIFE (Single - 2018)

Mourning Souls - Gummo (EP - 2016)

Mourning Souls - Madrugada Tomada Pela Insônia 3 (Single - 2023)

Mourning Souls - Mourning Souls - Mourning Souls ( Full-length - 2023)

Mourning Souls - Murciélagos, Murciélagos, Murciélagos (EP - 2020)

Mourning Souls - Reflectind Dark Thoughts (EP - 2018)

Mourning Souls / Lord Cernunnos - Mourning Souls / Lord Cernunnos (Split - 2022)

Mourning Souls / My Funeral Dream - Mourning Souls / My Funeral Dream (Split - 2018)

Mourning Souls / NekroChaparro - Mourning Souls / NekroChaparro (Split - 2022)

Mourning Souls / Niili - Mourning Souls / Niili (Split - 2019)

Mourning Souls / Podreira - Mourning Souls / Podreira (Split - 2023)

Mourning Souls / Sloth - Ghost Sloth (Split - 2023)

Mourning Souls / Sloth - Union By Noise (Split - 2018)

Mourning Souls / Ułuda (Split - 2022) - The End of Everything

Mourning Souls / Vomitchainsaw - -Split- (Split - 2018)

Mourning Souls/Vaginal Anal - Gummo's Split (Split - 2017)

Munch - Die With Disgust For the Human Race (EP - 2023)

Muntean - T​ă​cerea (Full-Length - 2023)

Murgo / Sujo / Gloomy Life / Gore Hell - 4 Way Split (Split - 2021)

Necro Weasel - Obey, Suffer & Die (Full-Length - 2023)

NekroChaparro - The Lord Satan Is My Shepherd and I Will Dwell in His House Forever (Full-length - 2023)

Night Goat - DEE-VIL (Single - 2019)

Night Goat - Demo (Demo - 2019)

Night Goat - Punks Not Emo, Punks Not Indie, Punks Not Hipster​!​!​!​! (EP - 2023)

Niili - Baphomet (EP - 2017)

Niili - Batseduction (Single - 2018)

Niili - Bugaboo Nightmare (Demo - 2018)

Niili - Bunny Sessions (EP - 2018)

Niili - Doom Sessions (EP - 2018)

Niili - Green Smile (Single - 2018)

Niili - I Enjoy Watching Cartoons (Single - 2018)

Niili - Last Day of Witch (Single - 2018)

Niili - Metallicus Doom (EP - 2017)

Niili - Niili (EP - 2018)

Niili - Rape Moska (Demo - 2018)

Niili - Sa​(​doom​)​masochistic / Devil's Doom (Demo - 2019)

Niili - Slow Baby (Single - 2018)

Niili / mhzesent - Meth Hits (Split - 2018)

Niili / noiseoftherose - Niili / noiseoftherose (Split - 2018)

Niili / Noiseoftherose - Niili / Noiseoftherose (Split - 2018)

Niili / Sloth - Niili / Sloth (Split - 2018)

Noise Escrot / Podreira - 100%Noise (Split 2016)

Noiseoftherose - Enfurled (Single - 2018)

Nöize - Ecologicrust (Single - 2018)

Nöize - S​​​/​​​T (Demo - 2018)

Nöize - War (Single - 2018)

Nöize / Barks of Apocalypse - Nöize / Barks of Apocalypse (Split - 2021)

Nöize / FuneralPhobia / Vítimas do Crack / Ihateyourguts - 4 Way Split (Split - 2019)

Nöize, Murgo, Ash Slasher, FuneralPhobia, Vaginal Anal - 5 Way Split (Split - 2020)

Nosferatu 1922 / Noiseoftherose - Cannibal Bloody Cum Drinking Vampire (Split - 2018)

Noth - Trist Forest (Single - 2018)

Noth / FuneralPhobia / Scythes of Evil / Niili - 4 Way Split - A Tribute to Anneliese Michel (Split - 2019)

Noth / Mourning Souls / Sexual Suicide Noise - 3 Way Vegetarian Trans Static (Split - 2018)

Noth / Niili - Ecocide / Death Fuzz (Split - 2018)

Nothing Changes / Mourning Souls - The Supreme Nihilistic Art (Split - 2023)

Nuclear Goatcult - Baphometic Vomit Genocide (EP - 2023)

Orgosk / Mourning Souls - Gloomy Days (Split - 2018)

Petiot - Podre (EP - 2023)

Pigmillk - Pigmillk (Demo - 2023)

Podreira / Mourning Souls / Ash Slasher - Freddy X Jason X Ash (Split - 2018)

Pork Suicidal, Mourning Souls, Celtic Lemavos - Stregheria (Split - 2018)

Psycho Clown - John Wayne Gacy (EP - 2020)

Puta Malaria / Mourning Souls - Condemning the Music (Split - 2018)

Resposta Simples - Criação, Manutenção e Caos - (Compilação - 2023)

RxIx / Nöize / Chikara / Mourning Souls - 4 Way Split (Split - 2018)

S.O.C. - O Trauma Que Te Persegue (EP - 2022)

Sapo Negro - Ur​ó​boro (EP - 2023)

Scythes of Evil / Sex Love Die - Sex Love Die / Scythes of Evil (Split - 2021)

Shitnoise Bastards / Grotesco - Revenge of the Noise (Split - 2014)

Sloth - Morrisound's 1st Hnw Recording (Liebach/Morbit Angel Mix) (Single - 2018)

Sloth - Turty & Crably Friends!! (Single - 2018)

Sloth / Niili / Electroretard - HNWOSD (Harsh Noise Wall of Sludge Drone) (Split - 2018)

Slugg / Bode Samurai - Slugg / Bode Samurai (Split - 2020)

Sono - Atmospheric Dreams (EP - 2018)

Sono - Sono (EP - 2023)

Sordo - Tactical Precision Violence (EP - 2023)

Stallone Is My Hero - Demo (Demo - 2022)

Stallone Is My Hero - I Am the Pugilist! (Demo -2022)

Stallone Is My Hero - The Privilege of Born A King (Demo - 2022)

Stench of Gore - Martyrium Deu (EP - 2022)

Strohbart - Thinking About Suicide. (Full Length - 2023)

Tá Em Shock / Cultura Cadavérica - Armed Revolution (Split - 2023)

Tenebris Umbral - Post Mortem Vortex (Full Length - 2023)

The Eternal Forests of Ememina - Opposition From Sersazir (Demo - 2023)

The Kids Taught Us Japanese - Battletoads (Demo - 2023)

The Kids Taught Us Japanese - Noisemancer (EP - 2023)

The Kids Taught Us Japanese - Shit Not Music (EP - 2023)

The Nature / Porreria / Culto Misantropo / Pork Suicidal / Black Noise - L'embryon (Split - 2018)

Trejo - Trejo is Dead (EP - 2022)

Trejo - Warsick (EP - 2023)

Trepidation - Trepidation - Demo (Demo - 2023)

Tribulation - Vile Invocation (Demo - 2017)

Ułuda - Ile Jeszcze? (Single - 2022)

Vaginal Anal - 26 Tracks (Demo - 2017)

Vaginal Anal - Demo Covers (Demo - 2020)

Vaginal Anal / Voltímetro - Vaginal Anal / Voltímetro (Split - 2018)

Wärcharge - Fuck the Remains (Single - 2022)

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Marduk - Discography (1992-2018)


A Black Metal band from Norrköping, Sweden, founded in 1990 by Morgan Håkansson.


1992 - Dark Endless

1992 - Dark Endless (25th Anniversary Edition) (2017)

1993 - Those of the Unlight

1994 - Opus Nocturne

1996 - Heaven Shall Burn... When We are Gathered

1998 - Nightwing

1999 - Panzer Division Marduk

2001 - La Grande Danse Macabre

2003 - World Funeral

2004 - Plague Angel

2007 - Rom 5-12

2009 - Wormwood

2012 - Serpent Sermon

2015 - Frontschwein

2015 - Frontschwein (Limited Edition)

2017 - Dark Endless (25th Anniversary Edition)

2018 - Viktoria

EP, Singles, Demo:

1991 - Fuck Me Jesus (Demo)

1991 - Fuck Me Jesus (EP)

1996 - Glorification (EP)

1997 - Here's No Peace (EP)

2000 - Obedience (EP)

2002 - Slay the Nazarene (EP)

2003 - Hearse (Single)

2004 - Deathmarch (EP)

2011 - Iron Dawn (EP)

2012 - Souls for Belial (Single)

2015 - Ancient Evil (EP)

2018 - Equestrian Bloodlust (Single)

2018 - Werwolf (Single)

Live, DVD:

1997 - Live in Germania (Live)

1998 - Day of Darkness - Warriors of Italy 1998 (Bootleg)

2000 - Infernal Eternal (Live)

2004 - Funeral Marches and Warsongs (DVD)

2005 - Blackcrowned (DVD)

2005 - Warschau (Live)

2006 - Blood Puke Salvation (DVD)

2006 - Live at Zeche Carl, Essen, Germany 12th December 2001 (DVD)

2006 - World Funeral at Party San 2003 (DVD)

2007 - Warschau (DVD)

2008 - Blood of the Saints (DVD)

2008 - Germania (Live)


2001 - La Grande Danse Macabre

2003 - World Funeral

2009 - Wormwood

2012 - Serpent Sermon


1992 - Dark Endless (2006 Remastered)

1993 - Those of the Unlight (2006 Remastered)

1994 - Opus Nocturne (2007 RM)

1996 - Heaven Shall Burn... When We are Gathered (2008 Remastered)

1998 - Nightwing (2008 Remastered)

1999 - Panzer Division Marduk (2008 Remastered)

2001 - La Grande Danse Macabre (2014 Remastered)

2003 - World Funeral (2014 Remastered)


2002 - Blackcrowned

Current line-up:

Morgan Håkansson: Guitar (1990 – )

Mortuus (Daniel Rostén): Vocals (2004 – )

Simon Schilling: Drums (2019 – )

Joel Lindholm: Bass (2020 – )

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Venom - Discography (1985-1997)


Black Metal band from Newcastle, Tyne and Wear U.K. founded in 1979.

With the release of their second album: Black Metal they gave birth and name to a genre: Black Metal, they also influenced the creation of other Extreme Metal styles such as Thrash, Speed and Death.

* By some, the band is considered to be a part of the NWOBHM movement, but according to Cronos words it wasn’t: "You think back to all those NWOHM bands at the time: They all sounded like someone else, with boring riffs and predictable lyrics. We didn’t want to be part of that, even if it meant people didn't like what we were doing at first, coz it was different".

Early age: Cronos created a band called Dwarfstar more rock / metal than punk and with the first signs of Satanic influences, writing song titles such as 'Sons of Satan', 'Bloodlust' and 'Welcome To Hell' and started incorporating pentagrams and dark satanic imagery.

1979 Conrad Lant a.k.a. Cronos (2) [Titan god from the Greek mythology that ate his children], was working at Impulse Studios in Wallsend he met Jeffrey Dunn a.k.a. Mantas (5). Cronos’s goal was to be in a band that plays original material not covers. He switched from rhythm guitar to bassist because the bassist left and stayed that way. At that time Clive "Jesus Christ" Archer was singer, but he was opposed to Satanism and that got him fired. Cronos tried the vocals and the rest of the band preferred him for singing.

1980 On October 10th, Venom recorded the first 6-track demo that got them signed with Neat Records for their first 7’’ ‘In League With Satan’ / Live Like An Angel - Die Like A Devil. Here it must be said that the initial mix of the tracks was made by a Neat engineer that he didn’t understand Venom’s sound and in result it didn’t really sound like them, so Cronos stole the initial tape and replaced it [before the pressing of the EPs] with one of his own mix!

1981 That same year, the band’s debut album, Welcome To Hell was unleashed [in 3 studio days], it wasn’t a true album but a collection of re-recorded demos with a sleeve, which is why there’s such a huge difference in sound quality between 'Welcome To Hell' and the next album.

1982 Having built a strong fan base among those who worshipped extreme metal, Venom returned [in 7 studio days] with their most important album: Black Metal with their original sound, Cronos shaped it as heavy as it could get.

1984 The band’s first UK live performance on June 1, was at the Hammersmith Odeon in London and became a sold-out event. At War With Satan album is released, idea started off as a story that Cronos wrote while he was still at school. It was going to be a Satanic Bible type idea that I wanted to have published as a novel, and then it turned into a concept album. The difference with other albums is that every song is linked into what went before, after all it was a story turn it into an album.

1996 the band reformed as the original line-up with Cronos back in the fold. A self-titled EP was released, followed by albums and the re-release of all of the bands' older classics.

Cronos (Conrad Lant) is the lead singer of the band, with the exception of Tony Dolan (Demolition Man) that handled vocals on 3 albums:

1989 Prime Evil

1991 Temples of Ice

1992 The Waste Lands

..More line-up changes happened, as Cronos left to follow a solo career [to return later again] and Abaddon was forced to re-recruit Mantas (largely missed by the fans) along with fellow British Atomkraft's Tony Dolan (who used the moniker 'Demolition Man' in Venom) and Al Banes, then, in 2014 former Venom members Mantas and Abaddon decided to start up a new band titled Venom Inc. later on, former Venom member, bassist Tony “Demolition Man” Dolan, was added to the line-up.

The story still goes on with live performances and new albums..

''Lay down your souls to the gods rock n' roll''

Wednesday, January 19, 2022



1349 was the year the Black Death came to Norway, wiping out 2/3 of the population and ending the Golden Age of Norway.

1349 rose from the ashes of Alvheim in 1997, with Ravn (vocals, drums), Tjalve (guitars), and Seidemann (bass), as well as Balfori (guitars). Ravn and Seidemann played in Hofdingi Myrkra, which started in 1994 before becoming "Alvheim".

Numbering of tracks in all releases of 1349 since 2003 starts from 11 instead of 01.

Compilation appearances:
- "Chasing Dragons" on Razor: Music From The Cutting Edge Vol. 5 (Metal Hammer, 2004)
- "I am Abomination" on Fear Candy 20 (Terrorizer Magazine, 2005)
- "I am Abomination" on Zero Tolerance [ZTAUDIO 004] (Zero Tolerance Magazine, 2005)
- "Maggot Fetus Teeth like Thorns" on Fear Candy 68 (Terrorizer Magazine, 2009)
- "Maggot Fetus...Teeth like Thorns" on Zero Tolerance [ZTAUDIO026] (Zero Tolerance Magazine, 2009)
- "Atomic Chapel" on Fear Candy 80 (Terrorizer Magazine, 2010)
- "Atomic Chapel" on Zero Tolerance Audio [ZTAUDIO032] (Zero Tolerance Magazine, 2010)

Monday, April 2, 2018


Gehenna was formed in Norway in January 1993 as a nameless project by Sanrabb (guitar, vocals), Dolgar (guitar, vocals) and Sir Vereda (drums). They didn't give the band a name until they had enough material which would represent their voice. In May of the same year, the trio entered the studio to record the demo "Black Seared Heart". It was recorded in Soundsuite Studios, released 1993 and limited to 100 copies. Two tracks from the demo were taken and released on a 7", "Ancestors of the Darkly Sky", and released by Dutch Necromantic Gallery Productions same year. Shortly after the releases Sir Verada ended up in prison and the band had to look for a new drummer. They found Dirge Rep and also a new bass player by the name Svartalv.


Formed: June 1991, Haugesund, Norway.

Progressive black metal band formed by Ivar Bjørnson and Grutle Kjellson. Enslaved are typically identified as viking metal. Their current sound (although characteristic of black metal) is very much influenced by the British progressive rock bands of the 1970s.


Black metal band from Umeå, Sweden, founded in 1992.

Naglfar was formed by Jens Rydén (vocals, guitar) and Kristoffer Olivius (bass), and originally they were called Uninterred. The two were soon joined by Ulf Andersson (drums) from Nocturnal Rites. As Jens Rydén wanted to focus on vocals only, guitarists Morgan Hansson and Fredrik Degerström also joined the band. However, Fredrik Degerström was asked leave because of different personal and musical opinions. He was replaced by Andreas Nilsson and then the band changed name to Naglfar.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Cradle of Filth

Cradle of Filth are an English extreme metal band, formed in Suffolk, England in 1991. The band's musical style evolved originally from black metal to a cleaner and more "produced" amalgam of gothic metal, symphonic metal and other metal genres. Their lyrical themes and imagery are heavily influenced by Gothic literature, poetry, mythology and horror films.

Saturday, December 24, 2016


Darkthrone is a black metal band from Kolbotn, Norway. It formed in 1986 as a death metal band under the name Black Death.[2][3] In 1991, the band embraced a black metal style influenced by Bathory[4] and Celtic Frost[4] and became one of the leading bands in the Norwegian black metal scene. Their first three black metal albums—A Blaze in the Northern Sky, Under a Funeral Moon and Transilvanian Hunger (sometimes dubbed the "Unholy Trinity")[5][6] — are considered the peak of the band's career[7] and to be among the most influential albums in the genre. For most of this time, Darkthrone has been a duo of Nocturno Culto and Fenriz, who have sought to remain outside the music mainstream.[8] Since 2006, their work has strayed from the traditional black metal style and incorporated more elements of traditional heavy metal, speed metal and punk rock, being likened to Motörhead.


1988 – Land of Frost
1988 – A New Dimension - rehearsal demo
1989 – Thulcandra
1989 – Cromlech - live demo
1991 – Goatlord – instrumental rehearsal demo spread without artwork; recorded in late 1990 and early 1991 and released on CD as an album by Moonfog Productions in 1996, including vocals overdubbed by Fenriz in 1994.
EPs and singles[edit]
2005 – Under Beskyttelse av Mørke (Under Cover of Darkness) – outtakes from the Under a Funeral Moon rehearsal sessions; released only in Japan.
2006 – Too Old, Too Cold – outtakes from The Cult Is Alive recording sessions.
2006 – Forebyggende Krig – single.
2007 – NWOBHM – outtakes from the F.O.A.D. recording sessions.
2013 – Peaceville Presents... Darkthrone[19]
Compilations and tribute albums[edit]
1998 – Darkthrone Holy Darkthrone – tribute album featuring eight Norwegian bands.
1999 – The Next Thousand Years Are Ours – tribute album featuring fourteen bands and a multimedia disc.
2000 – Preparing for War – compilation of songs from 1988–1994; re-released in 2005 with a bonus CD of demos and a DVD.
2008 – Frostland Tapes – compilation containing the band's early demos (Land of Frost, A New Dimension, Thulcandra, Cromlech), the original instrumental version of Goatlord, and a recording of a concert in Denmark.
2011 – Sempiternal Past – The Darkthrone Demos – re-mastered versions of Darkthrone's demos (including bonus tracks).
2013 – Introducing Darkthrone – eighteen song album containing Darkthrone songs from past albums and singles.
2014 – Black Death and Beyond - compilation released as a vinyl box set and book
2016 – The Wind of 666 Black Hearts - compilation of demos from 1991 and 1992

Friday, December 23, 2016


Immortal is a black metal band from Bergen, Norway, founded in 1991 by frontman and bassist Abbath Doom Occulta (Olve Eikemo) and guitarist Demonaz Doom Occulta (Harald Nævdal). The pair worked with various drummers (including Grim, Armagedda and Hellhammer),[1] and were later joined by current drummer Horgh (Reidar Horghagen) in 1996.

In March 2015, long-serving member Abbath announced his departure from the group following a dispute with the other members of the band, and he went on to form a new band under his name called Abbath.[2] It was initially reported that following Abbath's departure, the band would split up. However, In August 2015, Demonaz and Horgh said that the band would continue without Abbath.[3][4] Demonaz would return to playing guitar with the band for the first time since 1997, and would also do vocals as well.


Studio albums
Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism (1992)
Pure Holocaust (1993)
Battles in the North (1995)
Blizzard Beasts (1997)
At the Heart of Winter (1999)
Damned in Black (2000)
Sons of Northern Darkness (2002)
All Shall Fall (2009)

Other releases
Suffocate (demo, 1991)
Immortal (EP, 1991)
Masters of Nebulah Frost (VHS, 1995)
True Kings of Norway (5-way split, 2000)
Live at BB Kings Club New York (DVD, 2003)
Valley of the Damned / Hordes of War (2–way split, 2009)
The Seventh Date of Blashyrkh (DVD, 2010)

Unofficial Releases:

Graveland Discography

Graveland are a Polish pagan metal band which was formed in 1992 by Rob Darken (born Robert Fudali). It began as a black metal band, before adopting a pagan and Viking metal style. The lyrics and imagery of Graveland are strongly inspired by European mythology, nature, winter and war. Their early work focused on Celtic and Slavic mythology, while their later work focuses on Norse mythology and Wotanism.